4 Ways to Boost Curb Appeal with Houston Window Replacement

Houstons Premier Replacement Windows & Doors


If you are shopping for a new home, the first thing you do is drive around and look at houses. It’s not unusual for houses to blend in when they’re built by the same contractor. So you scout around, passing place after place when suddenly, one home stands out. 

Chances are it’s the curb appeal, meaning that thing that jumps out at you and lights that fire in you that says, “That’s it!” “That’s the one!” “I want mine to look like that!”

Sure enough, it’s different somehow – what is it? Almost always, the windows are more impressive than everyone else’s: brighter, cleaner, sparkling, inviting. Such is the magic of Mr. Windows.

And while you may not use the term “curb appeal,” it’s often the real estate agent’s way of describing a potential buyer’s first impression of a home.  

When you’re looking to boost your home’s curb appeal by replacing your windows, try these four ideas:

Increase the Value 


First, window replacement can bring more value to your home than remodeling projects, increasing the selling price. 

According to one website, your property value increases at least 70% when you replace your windows. If you’re wondering whether investing in new windows is the right choice, the only person who can answer that is you. It depends on your timeframe.

Some people balk at the thought of a significant investment and then not having an opportunity to enjoy it. If you plan on living in your home for an extended time, then replacing the windows is a wise investment because you can enjoy them before selling. Who knows? You might even change your mind! 

Houston window replacements

Increase Energy Efficiency with Houston Window Replacement


Second, the energy efficiency of new windows will yield a respectable return, even if you never sell. Buyers know this.  

According to the Environmental Protection Agency, “The EPA estimates that homeowners could lower their energy usage by up to 25% by taking a few precautionary measures, including window replacement.”

Increase Aesthetic Appeal with Houston Window Replacement


Third, you’ve heard the expression, “We eat with our eyes first.”  The same is true of buying a home. We buy with our eyes first. 

If you want people to notice your home, it must be attractive and set your home apart from others, or you may as well place a sign on your front yard that reads, “Drive on by; nothing to look at here.” 

Perhaps some rethinking is in order; a home makeover on a budget, for instance. What can you do? When you replace windows, your options range from simple to complex and from inexpensive to luxurious.  


  • Replace your current windows with windows of the same size but with modern frames in a color that complements your home decor. For example, if your home’s original windows have dull aluminum frames, the windows probably “disappear.” If the new windows are energy-efficient, you have an additional selling point.
  • Replace your current windows with more modern – or more traditional – windows that enhance your home’s style. Update the windows’ grid pattern, replace plain glass with double-hung windows to improve airflow, or change to casement windows to provide a less obstructed view of your garden.
  • Make some significant changes to enhance both the exterior and interior of your home. Expand your living area with a bay or bow window for that “wow” factor when approaching your home. Think about adding an arched window above one of your current windows to light a now-dark room. If you’re thinking about turning a basement area into a bedroom, you’ll need to add an “egress window” to meet safety codes. 



And, fourth, the strategy that every woman knows: accessorize! With your new windows installed, consider adding shutters or flowers in window boxes, depending on the window type.  Look at your current landscaping: is it obstructing the view? Replacing your old windows gives you a chance to make your home look like it’s newly remodeled at a lower cost – take advantage of that opportunity. 

Here are a few ideas to help you envision the possibilities:


  • Drive around neighborhoods you like. As you drive, notice that you’ll rarely like a house with small, unfriendly-looking windows. What kind of home catches your eye? The ones with the beautiful, light-catching windows. Which homes have that magic curb appeal?
  • Look online at the advertisements for window manufacturers. The companies that make windows will show you all the possibilities. Think about which types of windows will enhance the beauty of your home. Learn where you can benefit from energy efficiency.
  • Consider your budget. What can you afford? What vision and plans do you have for your current home? Are you replacing windows to sell, or are you upgrading and planning to stay in place? Is replacing windows part of a larger remodeling plan?  


What if you don’t have an eye for aesthetics? No problem – Mr. Windows is here to help. You need not stress over this; we have experts ready to visit, brainstorm, and provide free estimates.

If you need to improve the curb appeal of your home, your best investment is window replacement. The only drawback is that you are likely to fall in love with your home again and never decide to move. Then again, maybe that’s a plus!

Give Mr. Windows a call today; you’ll be glad you did. Trust us. You’ll see things a lot more clearly.

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